mr kim hair salon
Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: mr kim hair salon
- Company Entity Proprietorship
- Industry Category Beauty & Spa, Hair
- Asking Price RM 20,000
- Reason of Selling Hair Salon well-known chain top hair salons - Location: Bandar Puchong Jaya - Prosperous district, business district, nearby chain stores - Walk In and Regular more - Do nearly 200k business during the Chinese New Year - Reason: The lease has expired and we have to move to a larger storefront - Built-in beauty room - Including all hairdressing furniture/appliances/brand Korean ceramic perm machines, excluding products, brands. - Rental rm5700 - Currently still operating, let go for rm45k
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No. 6-1, Jalan Kenari 18A Bandar Puchong Jaya 47100 Puchong Selangor