Agents & Distributors
- Business Name: Cbox
- Company Entity Proprietorship
- Industry Category Others
- Joining Fee RM 150,000
- Strength & Weaknesses Everyone can create unique design. For business owners with network, You may convert your current customers to be in your subscriptions.
- Reason of Selling Online app design print. Thousands beautiful png images ready mix & match. Drag & drop easy design, best print. It is new idea, bridging arts directly to everyone. Design-print-sell. https://gocreationbox.com/app/
Online desktop app, design print.
Thousands images ready mix & match.
Drag & Drop easy design, make own unique best beautiful prints.
It is what Spotify has become for music(much more), but for arts.
Cheap, easy, fast Design & Print . Print on demand. 6 months old.