Lean & Rush
Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: Lean & Rush
- Company Entity Sdn Bhd
- Industry Category Food & Beverages
- Asking Price RM 180,000
- Strength & Weaknesses General info: - Located at Nu Sentral - Strategically positioned opposite Monorail station, flagged by popular franchise brands on both sides to automatically attract crowd - Connected to KL Sentral and all public transport - Targeting corporate crowd and youngsters/students - Modern Scandinavian design, comfy and homey - Fully equipped with coffee machine and commercial kitchen equipment - Wifi / POS / Printers - Existing senior staff Unique selling point: - negotiated HUGE rental savings upon tenancy renewal - Fully operational upon takeover
- Reason of Selling Reason for selling: - drained by the pandemic, couldn't hold on until economy fully recover
Not your typical dessert cafe!!!
We’re a salad bar sandwich cafe, serving healthy meals under the motto “Healthy is the new Happy”, serving mainly corporate clients, and tourists (pre-MCO). Typical walk-in diner with a strong presence on delivery platforms with numerous virtual brands.
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201 Jalan Tun Sambanthan