Martsyfartsy Craft, Stationary & Design

Businesses for Sale
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  • Brand Name: Martsyfartsy Craft, Stationary & Design
  • Company Entity Proprietorship
  • Industry Category Books, Stationery & DVDs
  • Asking Price RM 585,000
  • Strength & Weaknesses • Organic 5* reviews on our e-commerce platforms. • We started literally from 0. • Still growing and expanding. • Partners are great humans. Really productive. • Loyal & quality consumers. Letting go alongside our Brand : - Freehold Land (Malay Reserved) in Kuantan (Pantai Sepat) - "Bangunan" strata - Selling as an asset with the Brand Land Size : 674m² | 7255sqft | Price : RM17.50 per sqft Company operations • Currently as a "partnership" entity, we allow the brand and people in the brand to thrive organically . • Brand was seeded as a "side income"; but with its growth, it has potential to grow in products and volume. *Yearly Revenue includes land and our partner's royalty share in Singapore & Manila. (SGD & Pesos)
  • Reason of Selling Founder is venturing into property + argriculture developement. Current partners will still assist and guide this Brand under "Artsy Group" if required by the new owners.

We specialise in Malaysia & Singapore “Artsy” needs. Supplier & Retailer to premium cardstock, wedding envelopes, craft products & custom paper cuts.

We have a stable stream of consumers who rely on our supplies for their livelihood. Looking for a suitable owner to take the brand to the next level.

// MPH Bookstores
Melawati Mall | Alpha Angle | Gurney Plaza | Icity Shah Alam | Pop-up Subang Parade



MPH @ Melawati Mall, 355, Jln Bandar Melawati, Pusat Bandar Melawati, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Selangor
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