Restaurant @ Skudai
Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: Restaurant @ Skudai
- Company Entity Sdn Bhd
- Industry Category Food & Beverages
- Asking Price RM 20,000
- Strength & Weaknesses - Located at commercial area with high traffic - First floor, 2150 sqft - Monthly revenue: RM13,000 - Initial investment worth RM 550,000 on equipment and renovation - Contains 30 boxes of hot pot ingredients
- Reason of Selling Focus in other business
– Inherits a 200-year-old secret recipe, which originated from Chongqing’s old hot pot in the Ming Dynasty of China.
– Rental deposit is not included in asking price
– Suitable to do F&B Business
– Convertible to any kind of F&B Business
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77, Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/2, Taman Sutera Utama