Hair Salon Kajang
Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: Hair Salon Kajang
- Company Entity Proprietorship
- Industry Category Beauty & Spa, Hair
- Asking Price RM 10,000
- Strength & Weaknesses - Nearby college, school, hotel, bank, hawker stall - Customer database more than 1,000 people - Renovation total worth RM 80,000 - Including product and equipment which worth RM 10,000 - Capacity: 22x80 ground floor - Rental: RM 2,500 per month - Business training and coaching will be provided to new owner - Average spending cost: RM 40 to RM 500 - Regular customer based
- Reason of Selling Owner planning to change to another business sector
– Hair salon, beauty, manicure
– 16 years of business operation
– Business is operate upon appointment
**Rental deposit (RM 6k ) is not included in asking price**
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N013, jalan s10/3,section 10,off jalan bukit,kajang