100 Bucks | F&B Industry Professional

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  • Business Name: 100 Bucks | F&B Industry Professional
  • Company Entity Sdn Bhd
  • Industry Category Food & Beverages
  • Joining Fee RM 10,000
  • Strength & Weaknesses ☑️ Excellent and experienced management team (Keep the business sustainable and profitable) ☑️ Strong relationship with F&B suppliers (Lower cost on material and equipment expenses) ☑️ Menu customization based on demographic demand (Serve the best to the customer) ☑️ Great potential business that can be turned to a franchise / IPO (You will get more if the business grows bigger) ☑️ Preference share offered with high dividend (Guarantee reward for you as valuable shareholder) ☑️ VIP entitlement to enjoy discount as shareholder (You are not only the boss, but also the VIP!)
  • Reason of Selling Expanding the business

The professionals in F&B industry that manage F&B businesses (Restaurant/Bar/Cafe/etc) from top to bottom.
We manage different F&B outlets and assist them to grow bigger.
*We are currently in expansion phase and offering preference shares to our valuable shareholders*

11-3-4 New Bob Centre,Jalan Gottlieb
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