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Food & Beverages
大城堡时尚火锅店 Chinese Hotpot Restaurant @ Sri Petaling
Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Selling Off 100% Retail

Business Overview
- 中国特色的一人一锅中式宫廷火锅店,方便且卫生,营业了3年。
- 店里所使用的火锅器皿是使用很贵的国宝级文化艺术品“景泰蓝”铜锅,用来煮汤最能保持汤底的原汁原味。
- 火锅的汤底是老板自己的自创秘方,种类繁多,一直深受回头客的好评,有一群忠实的顾客。
- 开价包括品牌、店内装修以及设备。(总值 RM 200,000 以上)
- 租金是 RM 5,000 一个月而已,同条街的租金有的起到 RM 9,000 的。

- Chinese palace style steamboat restaurant with from China, has been operating for 3 years.
- The steamboat pot used in the shop are very expensive national treasure-level cultural artwork "Cloisonné" copper pot, which is best to maintain the original flavor of the soup.
- The soup base of the steamboat is the owner's own secret recipe. It has a wide variety and has been praised by repeat customers. There is a group of loyal customers.
-Asking price includes brand, renovations and business equipment. (Total value of RM 200,000 above.)
-The rent is only RM 5,000 a month, and the rent for the same street can be up to RM 9,000.

Business Offer
Selling 100% share

Company Entity
Sdn Bhd

Business Highlights
老板娘有喜了,回中国安心养胎。 Owner was pregnant, back to China to give birth.

Yearly Revenue: RM 250,000.00

Business Size
Employees: 3 to 10 person


Strength & Opportunity
- 生意地点位于雪隆区知名的美食街,大城堡 Sri Petaling。
- 优越的地理环境位置,店屋位于商业区内,人流旺。附近有超市、多家商店、以及餐厅,紧邻两家街角处的奶茶店与水果茶店,对面有一家夜店,如果喜欢做夜一点生意的人就更好了。隔壁是旅馆,前台的人值班至凌晨3点,安全。店屋的右面对面是环球超市,里面有停车场,对于停车的客人也很方便。
- 店内面积 1100 方尺,附有16张4人座的桌子,外面也可以摆放桌子。
- 店内的装修时尚大方,适合转型,就算转成咖啡店或服装店都没有问题。如果是烧烤店、糖水店、或餐馆就更加没有问题了。
- 如需要培训可以给意见。(欢迎无经验的年轻创业者)
- 如需要员工可以帮忙问问之前的员工是否愿意回。
- 出售店内全部东西。

- Business is located in Sri Petaling, a well-known food palace in Klang Valley.
- Strategic location, shop lot is located in the commercial area, have very good traffic. There are supermarket, many shops and restaurants nearby. There are two milk tea shops and fruit tea shops on the corners of the streets nearby. There is a nightclub opposite, it is even better for people who like to do night business. Next door is a hotel, the front desk staff is on duty until 3 am, so its safe to open late night before 3 am. On the right side of the shop is a supermarket (The Store), which has a parking area, which is also very convenient for customer to park over there.
- The shop has a capacity of 1100 sq ft with 16 4-seat tables. Tables can also be placed outside.
- Renovation of the shop is fashion and stylish, convertible to cafe or fashion boutique. It is even better to converted into BBQ restaurant, dessert shop or Chinese restaurant.
- If new owner need training, advice can be given. (Welcome inexperienced young entrepreneurs)
- If new owner need worker can help to ask if the previous workers are willing to return.
- Sell everything in the shop.

Offer Price
RM 45,000.00
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