Fashion Boutique / Activewear Store (Online Business)

Agents & Distributors
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  • Business Name: Fashion Boutique / Activewear Store (Online Business)
  • Company Entity Sdn Bhd
  • Industry Category Fashion
  • Joining Fee RM 220,000
  • Strength & Weaknesses - Wide business coverage, global business. - The brand is trademarked. - The business comes with brand worth RM 60,000, inventory worth RM 150,000, equipment worth RM 10,000, total RM 220,000. - Database including beautiful website, photographs and supplier contacts. - Have regular customers, most of our customers are based overseas. - Business is still in operation and generating sales.
  • Reason of Selling Owner starting new venture.

– An online fashion boutique store selling women’s activewear.
– The first activewear apparel designed in original Asian prints.
– We are also one of the finalist for a global social impact prize. (Winners to be announced late Jan 2021 with prize money €100,000.)
– Business is operate since 2017.
– Asking price is for the partial ownership of business. (40%)

B-1-10 Bandar Baru Medan
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