ADA Biotech Sdn Bhd

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  • Business Name: ADA Biotech Sdn Bhd
  • Company Entity Sdn Bhd
  • Industry Category Food & Beverages
  • Joining Fee RM 2,000,000
  • Strength & Weaknesses Focus on R&D to produce revolutionary high quality and sustainable products. Our R&D has the ability to invent bio degraded products that to replace the use of plastics. Strong management team and visionary Board of Directors to grow the business with the application of Industrial 4.0 Technology and AI robotics in our factory facility. Turn waste into products with affordable and competitive price. High barriers entry business with own trademarks, R&D and patented production line. Achieved International Food Quality Standard such as Gluten Free, HACCP, FDA, HALAL,ISO 22000,BRC Certs. As one of the Pioneer in bio degraded products maker. Current production capacity was fully booked by customers. Self-funding for whole operation with zero bank borrowings.
  • Reason of Selling ADA Biotech Sdb Bhd was founded in 2019 with the vision to protect the environment from plastic waste pollutions. ADA Biotech manufactures revolutionary products that could totally replace the use of plastics. Our biodegraded products which make of waste rice, broken rice and low grade tapioca are selling at a very affordable price for consumers to encourage the usage of our products. There is 31 million pieces of straw used daily in Malaysia, and 7 billion pieces of straw used daily worldwide. ADA Biotech Sdn Bhd has developed its own semi automatic straw manufacturing line in order to reduce the production cost and increase the profit margin. The company already secured 1 of biggest coffee chain shop in Malaysia which is ZUS Coffee to supply them the straw for all their outlet all across Malaysia. The company already reach RM 1.1 Million in revenue in 2022 and will increase the revenue up to RM 2.4 Million by end of year 2023. ADA Biotech Sdn Bhd is looking to raise RM 2 Million on RM 20 million pre-money valuation to improve the production by installing new machinery that can help us with our goals to produce more biodegradable products using agricultural waste in order to reduce the current products cost and to maximize our profit margin. • To increase market sharing in Malaysia and world since the demand is already there. • To drive down the cost of raw material from 45% to 30% • To increase and maximize the manufacturing profit margin from current 15% to 30%

ADA Biotech SDN BHD was founded in 2019 with the vision to protect the environment from plastic waste pollutions. ADA Biotech manufactures revolutionary products that could totally replace the use of plastics. Our biodegraded products which make of waste rice, broken rice and low grade tapioca are selling at a very affordable price for consumers to encourage the usage of our products.

5497, Tingkat Mak Mandin 4
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