Aroi thai boat noodle & street food

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  • Brand Name: Aroi thai boat noodle & street food
  • Company Entity Proprietorship
  • Industry Category Food & Beverages
  • Asking Price RM 350,000
  • Strength & Weaknesses - Located in an area with high traffic volume - Many existing and loyal customers database built-up over many years of establishment. - fully equipped and new owner can run business immediately.
  • Reason of Selling Sell to invest the money back to family business

Aroi Thai is a famous boat noodle brand origin from Thailand. The food is in small portion and diversified. The price of a bowl is RM1.90. The key point is that there are many choices for customers from our menu. The food choice is increasing. In the consumer area, we 100% guaranteed able to survive in this high-consumption market. Our food taste is better compared to the original boat noodles as all of the recipes are from Thailand.

Lot D-G-2, Ayer@8, Jalan P8G, Presint 8
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