Cafe & Bistro
Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: Cafe & Bistro
- Company Entity Sdn Bhd
- Industry Category Entertainment
- Asking Price RM 540,000
- Strength & Weaknesses ~Valid Cafe local authority license till 2023 ~Renewing Liquor License ~Running business with no need rehire operation crew ~full function sound system ~high perform lighting system in ceilling ~big space more capacity
- Reason of Selling Owner started new business industry and not able to take care of the business
~Ground floor Cafe & Bistro providing food drinks beer liquor
~Liveband, DJ, Stage, Lighting Entertainment
~2nd floor providing music system for customer singing
~Local Waitress to serve & entertain customers
~Running business with stable customer based
~Reason owner was not able to take care of business
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