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  • Business Name: Fasheholic
  • Company Entity Partnership
  • Industry Category Fashion
  • Joining Fee RM 200,000
  • Strength & Weaknesses Fasheholic.com is a fashion marketplace for independent brands to introduce their brands and designs to an international audience. It is established to connect brands and their users. It is our objective to ensure consumers are well-informed of fashion brands including their very own unique brand story and fashion sense through product listings in the marketplace as well as special features in Fashemag, the reading space. The marketplace has now 105 registered brands with over 700 products listed within only a year. www.fasheholic.com/magazine FasheMag, is a powerful marketing features with over 50 published fashion articles, boosting and promoting up to 3,000 monthly traffic to Fasheholic.

Fasheholic.com is a startup business founded by 2 young Malaysian entrepreneurs with a strong fashion sense. The founders felt that the need for community to promote brand originality and design appreciation and there they worked very hard to make their dream come true. To date, the team is now with 20 members and its expandng to include more ASEAN partners and fashions lovers.


Jalan USJ 20/6C
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