Fashion Boutique ( Online & Outlet )
Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: Fashion Boutique ( Online & Outlet )
- Company Entity Proprietorship
- Industry Category Fashion
- Asking Price RM 100,000
- Strength & Weaknesses - Initial investment A total of RM 190,000. = Renovation RM 50,000, invetory/stock value RM 80,000, equipment/asset RM 60,000. - Average spending cost : RM 106 / customer - Closed to business area JB town, shopping area Mid Valley, tourist area, most of them Singaporean. There is parking space in the basement. - There is two fitting rooms in the front, warehouse at the back, around 1600sf, at least 10 customer can be accommodated. - Rental : RM 2000 per month - Supplier List, marketing strategy will be provided - 100k Facebook Follower - Website, Instagram Ready - Fully equipment will be provided : POS System, computer, ironing, counter, printer etc - 2019 Renovated Outlet - Well setup facility
- Reason of Selling Partner leave, current owner no time to manage.
Fashion Boutique shop, online and outlet retail, has been operation more than 5 years.
Persiaran Southkey 1