Fresh Greens

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  • Business Name: Fresh Greens
  • Company Entity Sdn Bhd
  • Industry Category Food & Beverages
  • Joining Fee RM 100,000
  • Strength & Weaknesses Nomination For “The Asia Pacific TOP Excellence Brand  - Book Of The TOP 2021” We have gone from zero to RM1,000,000 in sales in less than 3 months and are experiencing rapid growth. As of September 2021, we have 6000+ customers, 6 times our initial projections prior to launch. Details to be shared upon contact.
  • Reason of Selling Looking for a strategic partner to take the business to the next level, and streamline operations.

Zero to RM1,000,000 in 90 Days.

Fresh Greens is your one-stop shop for the highest quality and freshest produce, from fruits, vegetables, to seafood and ready-to-eat, straight from the source, cutting out the middleman.

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