- Company Entity Partnership
- Industry Category Food & Beverages
- Franchise Fee RM 80,102
- Strength & Weaknesses Ice Manias has been present in 5 countries ✅ Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos Busniess options ✅ Franchise ✅ Patnership ✅ CO Branding Ice Manias telah wujud di 5 negara ✅ Thailand, Indonesia, Kemboja, Myanmar, Laos Pilihan perniagaan ✅ Francais ✅ Perkongsian ✅ Penjenamaan CO The superiority of Ice Manias ✅ Safe for health ✅ Saves waiting time ✅ Save Electricity ✅ Peace of mind and convenience in doing business ✅ Saving Maintenance Costs
- Reason of Selling franchise express
The World’s First Fried Ice Cream Containing Collagen
Ice Manias Indonesia is a popular brand from Thailand. The products from Ice Manias itself already contain collagen that comes from the bone of the sapid and have received Halal certification from Mui ((CDIAl HALAL, Approved By MUI).
✅ Protects important organs in the body
✅ Maintaining the body’s immunity
✅ Helps smooth blood circulation
✅ Slows down the aging process
✅ Helps calcium absorption
✅ Keeping hair & nails healthy
✅ Regulates and maintains skin moisture, making the skin firmer
The World’s First Fried Ice Cream Containing Collagen
Ice Manias Indonesia merupakan Brand popular dari Thailand. Produk dari Ice Manias sendiri sudah mengandungi collagen yang berasal dari tulang sapid an sudah mendapat sertifikasi Halal dari Mui ((CDIAl HALAL,Approved By MUI).
✅ Melindungi organ penting dalam tubuh
✅ Menjaga Kekebalan tubuh
✅ Membantu kelancaran sirkulasi darah
✅ Memperlambat proses penuaan
✅ Membantu penyerapan Kalsium
✅ Menjaga kesehatan rambut &Kuku
✅ Mengatur dan menjaga kelembaban kulit, membuat kulit menjadi kencang