Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: Juzcoco
- Company Entity Sdn Bhd
- Industry Category Food & Beverages
- Asking Price RM 130,000
- Strength & Weaknesses Every product is crafted and designed with specific preference taste, which made every bite travel to the throat a memorable experience for all A vibrant and enjoyable environment for customers and staff
- Reason of Selling Juzcoco Kipmall Kota Tinggi - selling off 100% Seeking for potential Franchisee or buyer for Kota Tinggi outlet based in Kipmall Kota Tinggi Strategic location near to wet market of Kipmall Kota Tinggi Double frontage, 2 entrances New outlets, less than a year and equipment and fittings are new and in good conditions Well trained staff Outlets are well maintained and is still running in operations for walk -in and foodpanda
A mouth watery taste of signature chocolate themed beverage, from our special recipe of smoothies to every drop of superb quality freshly prepared pure Cacao. With more than 30 shades of beverage, ice-creams and snowballs recipes to be craving.
In addition, Juzcoco now widen its product to bring authentic Thai TomYam Oden to serve more choice of food to the neighbourhood
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