Kindergarten and childcare
Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: Kindergarten and childcare
- Company Entity Sdn Bhd
- Industry Category Coaching & Training, Education
- Asking Price RM 450,000
- Strength & Weaknesses - growing business with good reputation - 100% knowledge / know-how transfer - well organised environment and teacher - well trained teacher and staff - take over can straight away continue business without worry - strategy location - cozy, modern, good environment for children - surrounding with many residential area. It is a growing residential area. - profitable business
- Reason of Selling Illness unable to focus on business. Doctor advise.
– 2 years with good reputation school
– franchise business support
– can run this business without worry of non experience as in all well designed by franchisor.
– modern teaching method to meet market requirements
– school equipment include playground, library, workshop, swimming pool, sand pool,… Etc