Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name:
- Company Entity Proprietorship
- Industry Category Gifts & Florists
- Asking Price RM 59,000
- Strength & Weaknesses -Existing customers & online platform -Cheap rental and minimum cost -There are some more rooms to sell other products Niche market with relatively low competition -Other than physical shop & own website we already extended our business at all major online platform. -Throughout these year our online platform had generated steadily growth traffic. - Including all the stocks, teaching skills and giving out formula
- Reason of Selling Too busy to handle my main business and recently had been moving away from that area
Our shop selling handmade skin care products, aromatherapy, gift & flowers
We made and sell handmade soap, lotion, lip stick, lip balm & perfume.
We had been accumulated loyal customers from the shop and online platform.
We target on a niche market especially for those who likes natural products.
The brand had established since 2015 and the physical shop has been open since 2017