Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: STORM Δ MOTORS
- Company Entity Sdn Bhd
- Industry Category Automotive
- Asking Price RM 177,000
- Strength & Weaknesses We provide car servicing for major car brands, like Mercedes, BMW, Porsche, Toyota and Honda. We provide best second opinion consultation to what your car engine may bring you, even if you are still under “original” guarantee. We offer higher level performance upgrading to your original car engine. We have solution to save your fuel usage and help to save your fuel costs. We provide original spare parts such as lubricants, filters and so forth.
- Reason of Selling moving out to origin country
STORM‘s workshop is located in Melaka. It is run by a group of highly motivated, experienced, efficient, eligible and friendly service team. The partners and management of STORM Δ MOTORS have a combined of 35 years’ experience in car industry and are proud to share this experience with all beloved customers.
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No. 36, Jalan MP 14 Taman Merdeka Permai