Wall Panel Decoration ( business asset)
Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: Wall Panel Decoration ( business asset)
- Company Entity Sdn Bhd
- Industry Category Homewares & Furniture
- Asking Price RM 65,000
- Strength & Weaknesses -New materials of wall panel for designer backdrop, well established relationship with trusted supplier with procurement offer - Product are tested in lab with various certification. -Our current customer group contain Interior Designers, Contractors and of course, the end Users. -We have third-parties worker ready to do installation. -Suitable for all residential (High-Rise and Landed), commercial (Retail & Office). - Fully stock will be provided with total worth of RM 61k - Average spending cost: RM 2000- RM 5000/ customer - Training and coaching will be provided to new owner - Supplier list , contractor list and database will be provided to new owner - Current stock mainly from China. - New owner will earn RM 150k revenue if he/she sell off RM80k stock, as actual market value for reseller to house owner user is about RM150k.
- Reason of Selling Owner wish to retired
Wall panel Interlock Decoration with beading. Easy install with many design options. Fast and smooth installation. Time saving for renovation.
– Business Started in 2019 January, Jan and Feb Import and Setup, March to September Selling and Marketing, October to December business no running due to personal issue.
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