Wold Trades Hub
Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: Wold Trades Hub
- Company Entity Sdn Bhd
- Industry Category Others
- Asking Price RM 30
- Strength & Weaknesses No KYC, 100% Crypto Exchange, 100% Cold Wallet, got 5 millions of crypto customers data. It has qualified and tracked by 2 world No.1 aggregator www.Cbanks.org and www.Nomics.com with B grade. 7K Twitter followers.
- Reason of Selling Can list all ERC20 and BEP20 tokens / Coins No limit of transferring fund from country to country
WTH is a small but dynamic crypto exchange based in Bahama but operate globally since 2 years ago actively. It protected by Tax free and privatecy act
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147, Jalan Ampang