Yaeris – oChats
Agents & Distributors
- Business Name: Yaeris - oChats
- Company Entity Sdn Bhd
- Industry Category Others
- Joining Fee RM 165,000
- Strength & Weaknesses Strength - This software provides an easy messaging management to users to manage all incoming messages across different messaging apps - Save time. Do not need to wait and build a complex software like this. I have spent 1.5 years to build this software. Time is money. You can sell this software immediately. - Cheaper cost of acquisition. If you build this software from scratch, it will be more expensive than just acquire this ready software and change it to your liking with your developer. I can introduce my 3rd party developer to you. They are the one who build this software for me. Opportunity - You can target anyone who wants to use live chat system like this. You can sell to anyone who uses WhatsApp Business, Telegram, FB Messenger and more on the world. You can provide omnichannel messaging experience for your future customers. - In Malaysia, there are only a few players. The market is not crowded with high competition. It is a blue ocean. - Due to high cost of entry to this business (you need a lot of money to build this software), so not many people have that kind of money to build this software. So the competition is less.
- Reason of Selling I am not capable to bring this business to next level as I am overestimate my marketing capability. My capability alone is not able to bring this software to the next level. Hopefully by selling to you, with your expertise, you can bring it to the next level.
We are advertising agency. I want to sell our software business to anyone who is capable to bring this software to next level. This software is a live chat software which allows business owners to manage all their messaging apps in 1 platform. This software can connect to WhatsApp, Telegram, FB Messenger, LINE Business, WeChat & Email. Users also can use this software to build chatbot and broadcast marketing messages.